

Samstag, 2. Oktober 2021

Orbs ... simply and sensibly explained ...

If you are in the paranormal community, you inevitably run into pictures with so-called orbs. Orbs are supposed to be souls / spirits of the deceased ... but is this really so?

According to esotericists, medials (Mz. Medium) and many ghosthunters or paranormal investigators from home and abroad, this is the case. But is this really the case or does inexperience, ignorance and a lot of wishful thinking play a role?


I think so ... because with all understanding that one would like to experience paranormal or record it on photo and video, one must always keep in mind that about 95% of all incidents can be explained rationally and are very often interpreted as paranormal, because those affected and also many paranormal investigators / ghosthunters have their knowledge from TV / YouTube series and esoteric sites, but often the rational is completely disregarded. Even esotericists, who are sure to label themselves as seers, mediums, etc. help ensure that incidents that can be rationally explained are reinterpreted as paranormal and play their "expert" card and thus lead to results that are unrealistic. Unfortunately, "media" have a certain status due to various TV series and many in the paranormal community feel tempted to believe such a medium more, although any medium can name itself. Whether they really can ... they owe the evidence and there are an immense number of fools among them; to date there is no medium that was 100% correct. I wrote about this in the article that I link here (LINK). 

But now to the actual topic of orbs:

The orbs hype came from the USA and the sometimes very grotesque and exaggerated Ghosthunter series, mainly Ghost Adventures and various team videos by Ghosthunters. Orbs, on the other hand, were also mentioned in the series TAPS / Ghost Hunters (Jason Hawes - today with the continuation "Ghost Nation"), which was also broadcast here in Germany at the time, but not given any significant consideration, as they were always exposed as dust, insects and others rightly.

It has nothing to do with belief or different opinions if one speaks critically about orbs, but the fact that these "orbs" have nothing to do with spirits or souls at all, 99% of the time, as they are among other things can be explained rationally for purely physical reasons, which one should still be familiar with from school. Unfortunately, these explanations are hidden and esotericists and some colleagues who are not part of the team in particular tend to suggest unrealistic explanations for those looking for help - it is fundamentally forgotten that those looking for help turn to these people with confidence and put their physical and mental health in their hands, which unfortunately is not uncommon is exploited and they are told a real boom.

A few months ago my team colleague Hagen wrote an interesting article on the subject of orbs, which I would like to quote here:

"A little digression on the subject of" Orbs "
Many fans of the paranormal and also many ghosthunters are always very excited when they discover an "orb" in your recordings.
For them it is definitely a supernatural phenomenon.
99.9% of them are not ghosts, souls or something. These "orbs" are a completely natural phenomenon.
You can even reproduce it at any time. Each of you can photograph thousands of orbs at home. But that doesn't mean that you have thousands of ghosts in your home. But that it is an everyday, physically explainable effect.
This effect is also known as the "blur circle" in "professional" photography.
This occurs when a very small object such as raindrops, grains of dust, dust particles or insects are between the object to be photographed and the camera and is then flashed.
The camera is focused on the more distant object, but the small particle is closer to the lens and is therefore out of focus. Anyone who has taken a photo with their mobile phone should be familiar with this effect. If you want to photograph an object that is, for example, 5 meters away, but places some object very close to the cell phone and partly records it, then this object appears very blurred.
Because the camera focused on the object at a distance of 5 meters.
Back to the "Orb".
So we're photographing an object and have a tiny particle floating or flying near the lens between the lens and the object.
The flash light now brightens this small, blurred object extremely (because it is close to the flash and the bliz is set to the more distant object). This creates a blurred, glowing circle on the photo.
This is a completely normal, physically explainable and unspectacular effect that can be adjusted at any time.
Every photographer who can call himself that because he knows how his camera works knows this effect and tries to take it into account in a photo.
But many "ghost fans" use a camera and apparently have no (basic) knowledge of how to use a camera properly.
Terms like "depth of field" should also be known. Likewise, the effect that using a flash on a nearby object darkens the background.
Otherwise they would actually know this effect.
Of course, it is much more exciting to define this object as an "orb", a "spirit". Especially if you have no idea how to use a camera.
Even our IR emitters, which are basically a kind of "continuous flash light", can create this effect. Because they generate very bright light in the infrared range.
That's why you see these flying points of light very often on IR images. These are just small flies that are so small that you can't see them with the naked eye.
Exactly because of the blurring problem explained above.
We look at our surroundings and focus our eyes on objects that are meters away. However, these mini-flies get into the blurred area when they are close enough that they can be seen with the naked eye. So we don't see them. Unless our eyes would use flashlight.
So how can we create our own orbs?
Just throw some flour into the air in a dark room, take a step back and then take a photo with a flash. Voila .. thousands of ghosts and lost souls in your kitchen.
As I said, this effect has been known since there was photography with flash.
It has nothing to do with the supernatural.
It can be easily reproduced and it proves that it is not a supernatural phenomenon.
Serious Ghosthuntig work should try to rule out ALL naturally explainable effects before shooting yourself in at a ghost.
Since these fuzzy circles are verifiably and verifiably 99% responsible for these orb effects, a lot has to play a role before it can be mentioned as a "ghost".
If you want to use a tool, you should be familiar with it.
This also applies to the "Camera" tool.
It becomes interesting when you photograph a glowing circle without a flash and it does not fly by directly in front of an IR illuminator but still "lights up".
Because then you can exclude a glow by "illuminating".
But even then there are still fireflies, etc., which one would have to exclude first.
To show that this is a completely natural and well-known phenomenon, here are a few links on the subject:"

But now to the one percent where you could really speak of a real orb:
Recordings with "orbs" may only be of interest to me and require a closer examination if they shine clearly through their own energy (similar to a small ball lightning - visualized). This means that the object must not be brightened by any other light source (which, by the way, happens permanently with infrared recordings and therefore "orbs" cannot be found on infrared recordings per se).
Since I've been a ghosthunter (from 2010) there has only been one recording in all that time, where I can say that it may have been an orb that was recorded ... but even then I have to admit: You can not currently explaining it - nothing more.

At that time there was also activity on site in the house.

Speaking of activity: every phenomenon has to be checked for itself ... and just because one may have paranormal activities at home, recorded blurring circles are no proof of the presence of ghosts ...

By the way, our team is still available for examination orders (free of charge) of recorded material.
More from our team:
YouTube channel Ghosthunter NRWUP & RLP


Tom Pedall
Leader and Co-Founder
Ghosthunter NRWUP & RLP